Maddison Roseman is a set and costume designer currently completing her Masters of Design for Performance at the National Institute of Dramatic Art (NIDA). Maddison has a Bachelor of Design in Architecture from the University of Sydney (USYD)
This year, Maddison was the set designer for THE REMOVALISTS (dir. Elsie Edgerton-Till) at NIDA and the costume designer for NIDA's Production of THE WAY OF THE WORLD (dir. John Bashford).
Maddison has worked for SBPR, a full-service communications, media and events agency, working with a diverse client list ranging from fashion, publishing, entertaining, radio, lifestyle, film and television arenas.
Skills: AutoCAD Drafting, Model Making, Photoshop, InDesign, Illustrator, Costume Research, Costume Illustration, Full Drivers Licence
MADDISON ROSEMAN + Designer For Performance